fredag 14 september 2018

Dear Parents

The children have settled well in school.
Boy, by Roahl Dahl is being read as a class book. The autobiographies must be finalised. Grammar and comprehension is being
revised. New spelling words for week 37 are on the blog.
The students are to do homework issued on  Friday week 36 (on the blog) to be handed in on Friday week 37. The  Mathematics homework is to be done in the  purple exercise  book. The blue exercise book is for  work at school. Students who are efficient with mastering the skills will be given challenging work.
 Natural Sciences
The students have learned the process of digestion in the human body in Swedish. They have also revised Nutrition. They will start to work with the Excretory system. The children have watched how transformation of cells can cause deformities and unique diseases and how research done  done different cells can create a break  through in curing some diseases. They watched the link. It will also be on the blog.
Haga Marathon
The Marathon was a success. The students got tired in the long  run which evoked over sensitivity and misunderstanding. It was resolved well in the long run.
The children have to do Mathematics page 34 to 37 Matteborgen 5A. They also have to complete editing and writing the final drafts of their autobiographies. The final drafts of  the autobiographies have to be handed in on Friday week 38.
Appraisal  Talks (Utvecklingssamtal)
The list for the proposed times for Appraisal Talks for the students who have Jacqueline as a Mentor is on the blog some adjustments have been made according to wishes of parents. The get the list for proposed times click on schedule on the blog.

Best Regards

 Jacqueline, Ulla, Gulnaz and Cathrine

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